
What our clients are saying about us!

I had a wonderful experience with Dr Bonny Shah. Before my sessions with her, I had a very hard time sticking to my diet. I tried to limit my calories and thought that as long as I stayed with my allotted calories, I would lose weight. But she made me aware that not all calories are created equal. Listening to my routine, with her expertise in nutrition, she guided me towards normalizing my eating patterns. Her kitchen friendly recipes made it easy to fill my food urges. I lost 5kgs in 3months of diet program. Her investment in her clients is phenomenal. I frequently recommend her diet plans to my friends. I am really thankful and hope for her bright future.

Ashka Gada


In a year’s time I had gained almost 10 Kgs weight and probably due to this my legs started paining. It was difficult for me to commit to gym as I had fear that after weight loss if I stop going to gym then again my weight will increase at a rapid speed. Also, I had heard that weight loss is only a temporary effect and after a month the weight starts increasing.

My friend suggested that we meet Dt. Bonny Shah for weight loss.  When we first met, Bonny assured that after the weight loss it will not increase and will remain maintained. Another difficulty for me was that being a working woman it was not possible for me to make different diet for myself and carry to office. To my great surprise when we discussed my diet chart, it looked very easy and manageable. Most of the items in the diet were what we eat regularly like sandwich and missal etc. This made me more comfortable. She suggested to maintain food diary and weight measures for every session.

I was 74 Kg to start with and within 4 months I reached 66 Kg by following her diet. In the first month the result was not that great. But Bonny encouraged that it happens in few cases but if I continue it will give great result. Due to her encouragement and follow up I continued the plan and achieved my goal. To my surprise my not only there was weight loss but also my dress size reduced from ‘L’ to ‘S’. I am really happy with this new diet and it makes me feel so light and fresh. The side effect of this plan was that my skin also had a glow due to healthy eating. As she had assured my weight till today (4 months after stopping the diet plan) has remained at 66 only. I would highly recommend visiting Self Love nutrition and wellness clinic.

Usha Kadam


From past many years my weight was increasing and was extremely over weight in last few couple of years. Then after my daughter insisted, I thought of consulting a dietician and I met Mrs. Bonny Shah.

Throughout my weight loss program of 4 to 5 months I cheated on food multiple times but was surprised that there used to still be some weight loss. Henceforth I started enjoying my diet plans as she (Bonny) gave multiple options which never made me feel that I was on strict diet and neither too hard workouts. I can say it was absolutely flexible diet.

More than the weight I lost my inches which is making me feel more confident and energetic.

Mrs. Bonny Shah you are more like a friend than a dietician who keeps me motivating and I'm glad I choose you. Thank you for all your efforts and faith.

Bharti Gala


I had tried all measures to lose weight..  gymming or self diet plan.. but managed to lose only 1 or 2 kgs.. soon my mother met Bonny and started following her diet plan. She lost tremendous weight in a span of two months so even I decided to go to Bonny and get a personal diet planned for me..

Bonny has a very easy plan .. her notes, diary and everything is very easy to maintain.. a regular follow up every 10 days helps u achieve your targets.. in 3 months I managed to lose significant weight with very visible inch loss.. Bonny helps u maintain a file and this file till date is extremely helpful.. her weight loss recipes are very quick and yummy..

all thanks to Bonny weightloss doesn't see like a challenge to me anymore

Isha Gala


My journey with Self Love has been great as Bonny is highly enthusiastic and creative with her diet program. Her approach is customised and tailored to fit and change your existing dietary habits for the better in a way that isn’t drastic. It’s been two months since I ended my 4 month program with Self Love and I am still continuing the diet plan out of sheer love for the recipes I’m consuming. Working out joyously was something I was already hooked on when I joined her, but I wasn’t seeing any results despite my tough training. All of that changed after I joined her program. The fuel you provide your body with (read: food) in order to make that workout effective is what helps tip the scales. You can spend hours in the gym pumping iron or running on that treadmill and not see any results unless you alter your diet for the better & this dietary experience has helped me realise that.

Bonny has been highly supportive and has effectively motivated me to put in the work towards my body goals. Her discipline and approach teaches you that what she has to offer won’t work unless you put in the effort yourself and meet her halfway.

We think weight loss is all about the reducing numbers on a scale but that wasn’t my case. My number descent was slow but only because my muscle was getting built side by side on account of the functional training I’ve been doing. Seeing that muscle number go up made me happy and I knew I had to provide it with the right fuel to keep building.

Having Bonny easily available to me over WhatsApp was always a bliss, especially when I would share my food diaries for accountability and if I had recipe related queries!

All in all, my journey with Self Love doesn’t end here. I hope to keep continuing to seek Bonny despite reaching my body goals as the process of continued self betterment (aka “Self Love”) has me addicted. 🙂

Jharna Pariani


I was never so cautious about my weight and figure until my daughter’s wedding. Wedding shopping made me realize its time to work on my figure. That’s when I approached Dt. Bonny Shah for weight loss with diet as it was difficult for me to commit to gym and exercise with my busy work schedule and wedding shopping. Food and sedentary lifestyle were my major weakness and making my weight loss challenging. But after going to Self Love Nutrition and wellness Clinic and meeting Bonny, I felt so much assured and positive about my weight loss.

She made it look very easy and when we discussed my diet chart, it looked like my routine meals. Did not change much at lot, which made me happy being food person. In the beginning I was little relaxed and would cheat few meals, but Bonny was very good at following up. She wanted me to maintain food dairy and weight measures for every session, which was good feedback for me.

I was 72kg to start with and within 4 months of diet plan I came down to 59kg. “Loss of
13kg without missing anything on my tastebuds”. Another good thing I like about this plan was, I was given charts/menu for restaurant eating, outside food, list of snacks when hungry, which made so much easy during my wedding shopping and maintaining my weight. During this course of dieting, I was introduced to lot of healthy food which I realized is necessary to keep me disease and pill free. I am really happy with the results and our team work. Shopping clothes is so much fun now and taking selfies further more.

Seeing this progress, my husband also started visiting Bonny and showing excellent results. We are really happy with our new diet and lifestyle and makes us feel light and fresh. I would highly recommend visiting Self Love nutrition and wellness Clinic.


Meeta Gala


My journey with selflove at Dr Bonny Shah was great. First time I met her n said ' I am foodie and can't do diet thing' but she was all calm and told me it's not difficult or a fasting diet.

And I was feeling better from 3rd week.. can see difference and started getting compliments. I had calf and feet pain due gas and indigestion .. which was soon sorted by healthy diet.

Ofcourse had lots of cheat meal but she was all calm n always encouraged for better.

The way she kept motivating and sending reminders of appointment and mid session weight check and also delays of session if required is too good and helpful
Loving this feeling of healthy👍🏻

Vaishali Dedhia


The journey with Self Love and bonny has been amazing. It truly results in "SELF" LOVE. The program is very flexible and Infact I never realized it was a diet session with the weekly cheat meals. Bonny - you have been a great motivator with your constant follow ups and communications.

She is really amazing with her work.

The best part of of the program is that one does not loose the shine and spark on the face after so many inches and weight loss and most importantly the entire journey is taken care via whats app n personal visits not needed.

Priyal Chheda


Obesity, Hypo-Thyroid and a Foodie, my Journey for transformation began with Dt. Bonny Shah when the problem reached its shelf life. I was unable to walk for my daily routine and due to Hypo-Thyroid my weight was constantly rising. Bonny convinced me that proper diet plan can not only help me reduce weight but also bring loads of energy and enthusiasm which was missing for long time.

It was difficult to believe but thought to give it a shot. Everything else was failing me and I was running out of options.

When I started it was difficult to maintain the diet prescribed by Bonny, but her motivation and follow-ups kept me going. Food and Exercise were the best she advised looking at the problems i was going through.

In two months I starting getting the results of the entire exercise and in less than 3 months it helped me reduced significant amount of weight.

My gratitude and appreciation goes out to Bonny and her knowledge and support she has given me in the last few months and I hope she continues giving so.

Geeta Vira


I have had a great journey at Self Love with Dt. Bonny Shah. Not only did I lose the extra weight but also experienced exceptional inch loss.

At first I was a little skeptical about the diets but they were not at all difficult. She kept in mind all the concerns I had and designed my diets accordingly. The diets are healthy and easy to follow.

Bonny is very cooperative and patient. She kept me motivated throughout the program through her calls and messages!

Inspite of my frequent travels and functions in the family I could lose weight and maintain it as well. She taught me to make smarter and healthier choices while eating out.

My energy levels have also improved to a great extent.

Its been 2 months now that my program has ended but i have still been able to maintain my weight.

I am very very happy with the results and will surely recommend her.

Sejal Shah


My journey at Self Love was a really really memorable one because with every session I could not just see the difference in me but also feel it!

One thing that really kept me going was the feeling that I’m getting healthier - reason why I really want to put down weight

The main issue why I enrolled for was PCOS and the diet and lifestlye changes really showed great changes in my menstrual cycle - especially the regularity.

The Whatsapp feature was really beneficial because I am a person who needs constant reminders and motivation or else I de- track too easily. Hence constant messages from Bonny kept reminding me , motivating me to reach to my target step by step.

Lastly, I really really wish to continue this program once I am done with this final year exams because it really makes me feel better about myself .. not just the weight loss part , but also the ‘feel good about yourself and your body’

Renita Saiya


I’ve been following the diet plan prescribed by Dt. Bonny Shah for last couple of years. Since I’m very choosy on eating and eat a very selected items still She’s always given me a variety and the right kind of diet needed with not much to spend on dietary supplements as well.
She’s always replied and altered the diet when ever I’ve had issues with out hesitating.
Will always recommend others Dt. Bonny Shah for nutrition.

Palash Kavediya


From past few years my weight was increasing day by day. Was really feeling ashamed looking at my pictures. From past many months or a year was trying all the possible ways to loose weight but all in vain. Then thought of consulting a dietician and I met Mrs. Bonny Shah.
Throughout my weight loss program of 4 to 5 months never felt that I was on a rigid diet as she gave multiple options and neither too hard workouts. I can say it was absolutely flexible diet. All though had to compromise on my Favorite fruits like mangoes, chickoo and custard apple and few more things but on other hand the result was very effective. In these months of my WLP there is not a single week where I didn't eat outside food but that doesn't mean that ate anything or everything, but now I could select the correct food suitable for my diet even while eating in a restaurant.
More than the weight I lost my inches which is making me look perfect and back in shape.
Mrs. Bonny Shah you are more like a friend than a dietician who keeps me motivating and I'm glad I choose you. Thank you for all your efforts and faith.

Feeling super energetic, sorted with my major problems, Pcos and acidity.
And due to acidity even my headach which was very frequent is vanished

Ekta Chheda


I had reached my ever highest weight of 83 kgs during my wedding. A lot of the weight gain was because of my job which had a lot of travelling and eating out almost every day. All my clothes either had to be altered or I had to buy new clothes. I ended up spending around 20k behind new jeans. My waist had moved from 32 to 37.
The need for a diet counselling was more to feel fit and energetic and maintain it. I did not want to do a crash diet as I couldn’t compromise on my work schedule and Bonny helped me design a perfect diet plan keeping all these things in consideration.
After a year post marriage, my weight was at 71 (YES, 12 kgs lost in a year) and currently I am able to maintain it at 70 since the past 1 year. Waist size is back at 32 and I feel fit every morning.
HOW?? Well, it was easy to be honest. All I did was blindly followed what Bonny prescribed. I did not give up eating out. Nor did I give up entirely on junk food. She made minor corrections to my eating habits like rightsizing the portion size, type of oils to be used for cooking, eating timings.
Entire diet plan was designed keeping my work schedule in mind which needs a lot of travelling. I must say I did a fair bit of exercising also in this course, but exercising alone is useless without proper diet.
My philosophy about dieting has changed in the last 2 years. I used to think Dieting = Starving but today I am a strong believer that Dieting = Eating Right.
Thanks a lot Bonny. You have made a real impact for me.

Hardik Shah


I have followed diet plan prescribed by Dt. Bonny Shah for last couple of months.
She gave multiple options in the plan so it was not at all boring. Plus there was eating out guide too so I was not stuck for eating out side food.
It helped me to lose my weight and inches both.
She was always available for any issue or query in the diet plan. Her diet plan was full of eating right things. I thank her for the same.

Jinal Gogri


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